Let’s talk about the weather: climate in Belgium

When you are moving to a new country, one thing to take into account is the weather. With a change in climate also comes changes to your wardrobe, food choices, cultural atmosphere, and so on. Get wind of the climate in Belgium across all seasons to prepare for any local weather condition. And remember, as Alfred Wainwright says: “there is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing!”

Belgian weather in general

Overall, Belgium has a very moderate climate, with gentle winters and rather cool summers. Since it is a small country, there is only little climatic variation across regions. Average annual temperatures range from around 0° to 5°C in winter and 20° to 25°C in summer. Moreover, Belgium does not have a rainy season, as rainfall can occur throughout the year. The best time to be in Belgium is from mid-May to mid-September, when temperatures are mild and the sun often breaks through the clouds.

Autumn and winter in Belgium

As September passes and October begins, trees drop their leaves and the days get shorter and a bit greyer. Although the sun still peeps through at times, autumn days in Belgium are mostly cloudy and windy, and it can get quite rainy. This time of the year is perfect for people who do not fancy the heat of summer. And who does not like to get cosy inside with a nice cup of hot cocoa (with Belgian chocolate of course!) while it is pouring outside?

Winters in Belgium are nothing compared to the harsh winters in Eastern Europe. While winters here are chilly, temperatures rarely drop below zero. It has been a while since the country has seen a white Christmas, as it only snows on rare occasions. Even so, wearing a warm coat and a cosy hat and scarf are recommended – and don’t forget your raincoat.

In general, the coastal area of Belgium in autumn and winter is less rainy and a little bit warmer than the south-eastern regions. With its higher altitude and greater distance from the sea, the Ardennes region experiences colder and wetter winters. On the upside, this also means that the chances of a white Christmas are higher in this region.

Spring and summer in Belgium

In March and the first half of April, it can still be cold. However, spring in Belgium is not as rainy as autumn. In fact, it is about the driest season of the year. As temperatures climb to around 15°C in May, you will see more people on the streets again, enjoying a breezy walk and catching some rays.

As summer arrives, the temperature starts to rise. Get ready for sunny days and pleasant weather. Although the average temperature in July is usually about 23°C, Belgium is starting to experience more and more heat waves, due to climate change. In fact, the country recently set a new record in August 2020: the hottest week ever measured in the country since measurements began in 1833 with temperatures reaching 36.5°C.

On the coast, spring and summer are usually a little cooler and more humid, with maximum temperatures of around 22°C. In inland areas, like the Ardennes, the weather in summer is slightly hotter and the risk of a heat thunderstorm in the afternoon a bit higher.

What do you need to pack?

So, what clothes do you need to pack before travelling to Belgium? For the winter, we recommend bringing warm clothing like sweaters and a rainproof coat. A warm hat and gloves for colder days can never hurt. In summer, a few light shirts or tops will suffice, along with a sweatshirt or light jacket for the evenings. But do not worry, there is always the option of visiting the many shopping districts in Belgium to buy some new clothes that fit the season.

At Link2Europe, we can help you find your way around. We are happy to provide you with plenty of information about things to do while you are here.

Let’s talk about the weather: climate in Belgium